the chapters.


the topic of..

it's sad when you feel like some of your closest friends are people you barely know anymore. that is when you know something's wrong. lately, i've felt really.. not myself. i cannot say that i've been exactly happy. almost like i have, but i also haven't. i'm really confused with my life. as in-who i am, what i want, who i want to be, and how i want to live. i feel like i don't exactly have friends i could call everyday and play with. friends who i could talk on the phone for hours with. people who i could text 24/7. and you know what, it makes me sad. i've felt like lately all i've wanted is to be accepted for who i am. i'm struggling with friends. i don't exactly have many. sometimes, i just go sit in my room for hours and write in my journal, or read my scriptures or listen to music. i feel like i'm all alone. like i'm almost forgotten. all i'm asking for is one bestfriend. someone who i can find and be perfectly myself with. they won't judge me, they will accept me. and we will love spending time together. if you know someone, or are someone who needs a friend too.. call me up.


clara said...

i think we have a lot in common:] i feel that exact same way, and i just want one best friend who i can count on forever. your blog is lovely -

~clara @

Daisy Torres said...

angela, i know exactly how you feel.
i'll be your best friend:)
you can come to me for anything.