the chapters.


Your best friend(s).

none of these are in any particular order.)
Judy (Jewface):

A girl I love to joke with.
We are there for eachother.
We are always crazy and loud.
She says stupid things&So do I!
We are great friends.
And we always talk!

Macayla (Mark):

She will do anything that I'm too scared to do.
She makes weird faces and makes weird noises.
She likes to make fun of me for being weird.
We have so many inside jokes.
We tell eachother everything&We are closer than glue!

Daisy (Daisy flower):

Just a girl I love to talk to.
We tell eachother everything &
we laugh all the time together.
She is soo small and so cute.
I'm so glad I got to know her.

Tiffani (Tiffi):

The girl who is like my mom.
She is always there and she always helps me
through the rough times. We have long
talks and laugh at stupid things together.
She's always there when no one else is.
I know I can count on her for anything!

Lindsey (Lin-zee):

The girl that is always there to make me happy.
She always gives me a good and hard laugh.
She will do anything crazy and weird with me
and doesn't care what anyone thinks.
We are so close and can tell eachother
anything at all. She is random and very loud.
The best thing is that she is blonde & we tease

i have so many other best friends.
i could name millions.
don't worry..I didn't forget you.
it's just late.
and when I have more time;
it will be used on all of you.

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