the chapters.


A moment like this.

My moment in particular is a very special one.. to me.

It was June 8, 2010.
My brothers birthday.
I had woken up with a urge to go see him.
Who is this man?
Let me tell ya!

Kind of like my husband.. maybe a little..

So I got to go to the Deseret Book with my mother.
We were kind of a little bit late going there and the line was HUGE!!
Finally it was the moment in line where i stood on my tip toes.
Staring over everyone's heads just to see him.

Finally I saw him, handed him by book.
He looked at me and smiled.
That was the moment when I fell in love with him.
When I fell in love with him; again.

i love him. david archuleta<3


- ang.

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