the chapters.



in honor of the new year,
& new year resolutions.. this is me telling you mine.
I've decided that i am going to be very specific
 for my new year resolutions.
and i have decided some main factors 
in choosing what they will be..

one. be a better 'me'. i tend to get a little ornery lately, especially with my family. i will be honest, i haven't been as happy as i was, but I'm getting there. I'm going to be recreating myself this year, into a person i know god wants me to be. it will be a journey, but it will be so worth it.

two. confidence. i don't know about you, but i could always use a little more. 
three. read the book of mormon.
i've actually never read it before, by myself or for myself. i've never taken time to dig deep into the pages of the book of mormon and really find what speaks to me, or what god is wanting me to know. but i've decided i need to take that opportunity. i know, but i need a more sure knowledge. after all, the gospel is based off of this book. and i want to know more than i do right now. i believe that is the only way i will be able to be happy.

i know it is not a lot, but im trying.
 and im definitely sticking to these new year resolutions. 

so hey, 
happy sunday. 

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