the chapters.


the best kind of day, is every day.

kind of confused with this whole high school thing.
-first off; half of the boys i know ignore me. when we would talk everyday & were best friends last year. and i see them everyday. alright then?

i actually love high school. and don't know why i wasn't introduced to it sooner. PG is exactly what i've always thought high school would be like. and i honestly don't know why i was so scared before. high school is a breeze.

but i'm not going to bore you all with "how much i love high school" or "how my first day went & what my classes are" because honestly, i know you don't care. i mean, i wouldn't either. so let's move on.

--- have you ever felt like people didn't talk to you that day because of your appearance?
you make eye contact with someone who used to mean so much to you, and what do you do? awkwardly look away. why? i have always wondered why we let people hurt us and take advantage of us, all because we care about them. no matter the circumstance, we should always have self respect. enough self respect that we are able to accept correct treatment. because we deserve it. we always deserve it. 

i just want to tell you - you're enough. you always have been and you always will be. as girls, we all know what it feels like to not feel "good enough". what is even "good enough" ? what makes so many girls want to be just that? does every little detail in your life need to be perfect

the answer is no. and you shouldn't if you do. do you strive for perfection-through christ we can accomplish perfection, but for now, we are stuck with mediocrity. and we need to be okay with that. christ is the center of everything perfect. our goal shouldn't be good enough, it should be to be like him. and i know if i'm trying to be like christ, i am not as self conscious. he makes me feel like i am enough. no matter if i'm good or bad. no matter if i made a mistake that day, it can be resolved. and he let's me know i am enough.

you're beautiful. in fact, you're stunning. but not in your looks, in what you are; who you are. you do not need to be the world's definition of 'beautiful' to be enough. you just need to be you. 

1 comment:

Daisy Torres said...

i absolutely love your blog makeover. It looks so good. And i love this post. :)
love you angela.