the chapters.


Agree to disagree.

Please, watch this video.
My brother showed this to me.

Case closed.
I guess you really can't be 'just friends'
How do you feel about this? Opinions, anyone?
Comments are appreciated and encouraged.


Bailey McCammon said...

This made me laugh!
I loved the different perspectives because if they would have asked me, I would have said 'yes'

Bina said...

Haha I have seen this video a couple times and boy it makes me think! I guess its true!

{.m a r i s s a.} said...

this made me laugh! thanks for sharing it! hahaha, i'm still dying! and i love how it's at utah state!! :)
your blog is adorable, angela!

Liesl said...

I hadn't seen this...though I figured the outcome would be girls think, yes, and guys would think, no...interesting! :)