the chapters.


What i love.

Number one.
I love a boy. (am i too young? i hope not.)
Number two.
I love to sing.

So blogger friends, here is my cover of Someone Like You originally recorded by Adele.
I hope you enjoy.


ruthie.von said...

We share a love of singing :) I've been too chicken to cover Someone Like You. You should video recording soon!

Brie said...

Girl!!! You are sooo flipping talented!!!! What I wouldn't do for your voice!!

Liesl said...

I love that you are in are never too young to feel and express that! Yay for you! Your Adele cover, a song I happen to love, is just wonderful of you to share it with us! Keep singing and smiling! :)

Anonymous said...

You arne't too young! I know exactly how you feel. I love your voice, you are SUPER amazing! :)

megs. said...

angela bellitti.. you will do great things, your voice is soo beautiful. & being in love is what lifes all about. i love you girl.

Anonymous said...

i adore you. i love this. i love you. youre amazing. (: