the chapters.


It doesn't get better than you.

On Friday, November 25, 2011 I went down to Salt Lake and met David Archuleta. He was having a book signing in Deseret Book.

Story of what happened: I was went there and waiting for 3 hours. He finally showed up. Got through the line in about 20 minutes, met him. SO UNREAL. It was fabulous. He makes me happy. I couldn't control my emotions. I was shaking. Of course, I handed him the two page letter I had written him the night before. He thanked me. I just about died. And got out of line, our encounter was over. From then on, I went to dinner. We headed back at about 8pm. There was still a HUGE line, it was crazy. We sat around for about 45 minutes. Then we got in line, just in time. They cut off the line after me, I was the last person in line.

I was with my friend Kaylee, as soon as we were right next to David, she walked up to him and said, "My friend wants to sing for you" He looked up at me and smiled and said, "Ooh you want to sing for me?" I was in complete shock by this time. I was dying. I replied, "Yeah" He said, "Alright, what song are you gonna sing for me?" And i said, "Someone like you by Adele" He smiled and said, "Oh that's a good one!" I just laughed. I was terrified. And then he said, "Okay go ahead"

By this moment I was shaking so bad. So i started. It went a little something like this:

(Favorite part of this whole thing? How he looked at me. His smile, and his eyes. He just looked at me the whole time. I couldn't look at him half the time, it was too frightning. It was just so amazing how he gave up a minute of his time to listen to me. He is the sweetest person, ever.)

I apologize for how I sounded. It's extremely hard to sing to your hero. It was unreal.

I finished singing, and just couldn't stop smiling. He thanked me several different times. We got a picture together, and he said "Thank you so much for that. You have a great voice." I said "Thank you!!" I was walking away, and he said "Wait. What's your name?" and I said, "Angela." He said, "Well thank you angela. Have a good night."

I walked away. Smiling. Happier than ever. My emotions took control, i couldn't stop bawling. Most perfect moment in my life. He is beautiful.

I just couldn't be more grateful to my heavenly father to let me have the opportunity for this to happen.

When your struggling, and need help to be happy, pray to Him. Ask for help; it really pays off. He will always make you happier in the end; no doubt about it.

(: #happygirl


erin lou said...

Sheesh girl, you've got a voice!!

Bailey McCammon said...

Oh my goodness!! Ahhh that is the greatest thing ever!!! I got to meet him last year at one of his book signings as well but I would never have the guts to sing to him! Props girl! He is a lovely one for sure.

angela. said...

Hey thanks girls :)